Internal medicine is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases within the body, including both conditions affecting internal organs, like the heart or lungs, and diseases that involve the immune system. Internal Medicine physicians Dr Arun Arora are often called ‘internists’ because they have a subspecialty in internal medicine. However, it’s important to note that an internist can also specialize in a specific area of internal medicine—for example, cardiology or gastroenterology.
The majority of internal medicine physicians work in hospitals; however, some work in private practice settings as well. Dr Arun Arora may also work independently at home or in an outpatient center. Some work in both settings at different times.
The most common diseases treated by internal medicine physicians include:
• asthma (which affects breathing)
• diabetes (which affects blood sugar levels)
• hypertension (high blood pressure)
• heart disease (which affects the heart muscle)
• lung disease (which affects breathing or other organs)
Ways to Look for the Right Internal Medicine Specialist
If you’re looking for an Internal Medicine specialist, there are a few things you should know. You have to be very cautious knowing that you will come across different types of doctors especially if you’re searching one online.
First, how do you find one? The first step is to ask your primary care doctor if they know any doctors in your area who specialize in internal medicine. If so, ask them who they recommend!
If they don’t know any Dr Arun Arora or prefer not to make recommendations, you can also look on the Internet. You can use an online directory like WebMD or Google to search for local listings of internal medicine specialists. These directories will list doctors who specialize in internal medicine and have offices close by. If you want to be assured of having the best specialist, try to look for Dr Arun Arora. With his years of experience, he can surely give you the kind of treatment you need.